Activated sludge adalah reaktor pengolahan air
limbah yang banyak diterapkan di rumah sakit. Reaktor ini membutuhkan aerator
mekanis sebagai pemasok oksigen. Sedangkan reaktor yang jarang digunakan adalah
Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland.
Kedua jenis reaktor tersebut memanfaatkan mikroba dalam mereduksi pencemar di
dalam air limbah. Peran mikroba di dalam activated
sludge diambil alih oleh mikroba yang tumbuh di zone perakaran tanaman Typha
latifolia dan Vetiver sp.
Dibuat reaktor skala laboratorium untuk memperoleh data kinerja kedua tanaman
tersebut dalam mengolah air limbah rumah sakit. Hasilnya, efisiensi
penyisihan COD Q1 = 0,13 l/j dan COD Q2 = 0,43 l/j pada
tanaman Typha latifolia sebesar 87,71% dan 67,61%. Pada
tanaman Vetiver sp sebesar 90,07% dan
68,32%. Efisiensi penyisihan BOD5 Q1 = 0,13 l/j dan Q2
= 0,43 l/j pada tanaman Typha latifolia
sebesar 90,00% dan 71,7%.
Pada tanaman Vetiver sp
sebesar 91,69% dan 73,29%. Efisiensi penyisihan Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)
Q1 = 0,13 l/j dan Q2 = 0,43 l/j pada tanaman Typha latifolia sebesar 91,27% dan 61,54%,
sedangkan pada tanaman Vetiver sp.
sebesar 92,01% dan 62,68%. Horizontal
Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland mampu dan layak digunakan untuk
mengolah air limbah rumah sakit.
Kata kunci : Subsurface
Flow Constructed Wetland, Typha latifolia, Vetiver sp.
sludge is a wastewater treatment reactor widely applied for hospital. The
reactor requires a mechanical aerator as a source of oxygen. At the same time,
Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland is rarely used. Both types of reactors
utilize microbes in reducing pollutants of wastewater. The role of microbes in
activated sludge is taken over by microbes that grow in the root zone of Typha
latifolia and Vetiver sp. Two laboratory scale reactors were made to get serial
data on the performance of the two plants in treating hospital wastewater. The
result, the removal efficiency of COD on Q1 = 0.13 l/h and COD on Q2 = 0.43 l/h
for Typha latifolia plants were 87.71% and 67.61%. On Vetiver sp. plants were
90,07% and 68,32%. The removal efficiency of BOD5 on Q1 = 0.13 l/h and Q2 =
0.43 l/h for Typha latifolia plants were 90.00% and 71.7%. On Vetiver sp.
plants were 91.69% and 73.29%. The efficiency of Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen
removal (TKN) Q1 = 0.13 l/h and Q2 = 0.43 l/h for Typha latifolia plants were
91.27% and 61.54%, whereas in Vetiver sp. plants were 92.01% and 62.68%.
Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland is capable and feasible for hospital
wastewater treatment.
Keywords: Subsurface
Flow Constructed Wetland, Typha latifolia, Vetiver sp.
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